With the help of this configuration toggle it is possible to remove all calls to a JPA entity from the sequence flow because entities are often only simple POJOs.
Here is an example from the JUnit tests using this configuration parameter:
PlantUMLSequenceDiagramConfigBuilder builder = new PlantUMLSequenceDiagramConfigBuilder(
classUnderTest.getName(), "doSomeBusiness").withIgnoreJPAEntities(true); (1)
PlantUMLSequenceDiagramGenerator generator = new PlantUMLSequenceDiagramGenerator(builder.build());
String expectedDiagramText = IOUtils.toString(
Objects.requireNonNull(classLoader.getResource("sequence/0003_jpa_test_with_ignore_jpa_entities.txt")), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// ACT
String generatedDiagram = generator.generateDiagramText();
assertAll(() -> assertNotNull(generatedDiagram), () -> assertEquals(expectedDiagramText.replaceAll("\\s+", ""),
generatedDiagram.replaceAll("\\s+", "")));
which is rendered this way:

and produces this PlantUML diagram text:
participant MovieService
participant MovieDAO
participant EntityManager
participant EntityTransaction
activate MovieService
MovieService -> MovieDAO : getMovie
activate MovieDAO
MovieDAO -> MovieDAO : getEntityManager
activate MovieDAO
MovieDAO --> MovieDAO
deactivate MovieDAO
MovieDAO -> EntityManager : find
activate EntityManager
EntityManager --> MovieDAO
deactivate EntityManager
MovieDAO -> EntityManager : detach
activate EntityManager
EntityManager --> MovieDAO
deactivate EntityManager
MovieDAO --> MovieService
deactivate MovieDAO
MovieService -> MovieDAO : saveMovie
activate MovieDAO
MovieDAO -> MovieDAO : getEntityManager
activate MovieDAO
MovieDAO --> MovieDAO
deactivate MovieDAO
MovieDAO -> EntityManager : getTransaction
activate EntityManager
EntityManager --> MovieDAO
deactivate EntityManager
MovieDAO -> EntityTransaction : begin
activate EntityTransaction
EntityTransaction --> MovieDAO
deactivate EntityTransaction
MovieDAO -> EntityManager : persist
activate EntityManager
EntityManager --> MovieDAO
deactivate EntityManager
MovieDAO -> EntityManager : getTransaction
activate EntityManager
EntityManager --> MovieDAO
deactivate EntityManager
MovieDAO -> EntityTransaction : commit
activate EntityTransaction
EntityTransaction --> MovieDAO
deactivate EntityTransaction
MovieDAO --> MovieService
deactivate MovieDAO
deactivate MovieService
Without the parameter the diagram would look like this: