

With this configuration option you can filter out fields from the diagram by their visibility in Java.

The following options are supported:

    only public fields will be displayed

    only public and protected fields will be displayed

    only public, protected and package_private fields will be displayed

    all fields will be displayed if not removed or ignored by other parameters

Default value

The default value of this configuration option is PRIVATE.


In the following example there are three dependencies in the maven dependency hierarchy which build the classpath for all further generation:


From this classpath all classes of the package "de.elnarion.test.domain.t0013", which are also used by the JUnit-tests of the PlantUML generator utility, should be generated as class diagram with the following plugin configuration


but their maximum visibility for fields is limited to PROTECTED. How this is rendered and how the generated diagram looks like is shown in the following subchapters.

Maximum visibility public

Here the value is set to PUBLIC which is rendered this way:


and produces this PlantUML diagram text:


class de.elnarion.test.domain.t0013.Testclass {
	{field} +test4 : long
	{field} +test5 : long


Maximum visibility protected

Here the value is set to PROTECTED which is rendered this way:


and produces this PlantUML diagram text:


class de.elnarion.test.domain.t0013.Testclass {
	{field} #test3 : long
	{field} +test4 : long
	{field} +test5 : long


Maximum visibility package private

Here the value is set to PACKAGE_PRIVATE which is rendered this way:


and produces this PlantUML diagram text:


class de.elnarion.test.domain.t0013.Testclass {
	{field} ~test2 : long
	{field} #test3 : long
	{field} +test4 : long
	{field} +test5 : long


Maximum visibility private

Here the value is set to PRIVATE which is rendered this way:


and produces this PlantUML diagram text:


class de.elnarion.test.domain.t0013.Testclass {
	{field} -test1 : long
	{field} ~test2 : long
	{field} #test3 : long
	{field} +test4 : long
	{field} +test5 : long
