

With the help of this configuration parameter toggle the maven plugin adds an asciidoc block statement around the plantuml content before it is written to the file. How the asciidoc block statement is written can be influenced by the configuration parameters

Default Value

The default value of this configuration parameter is false.


In this example the toggle for the asciidoc wrapper is enabled:


which produces this PlantUML diagram text:


participant ChildA
participant ChildB
participant BaseAbstractClass

activate ChildA
	ChildA -> ChildB : getUtil
	activate ChildB
		ChildB --> ChildA
	deactivate ChildB
	ChildA -> BaseAbstractClass : doSomethingWithReturnValue
	activate BaseAbstractClass
		BaseAbstractClass --> ChildA
	deactivate BaseAbstractClass
	ChildA -> BaseAbstractClass : doSomethingWithParameter
	activate BaseAbstractClass
		BaseAbstractClass --> ChildA
	deactivate BaseAbstractClass
deactivate ChildA

