

With the help of this configuration parameter it is possible to ignore/remove specific method calls and their subsequent calls from the sequence flow.

Default value

The default value of this configuration parameter is null (nothing ignored/removed).


In the following example there are three dependencies in the maven dependency hierarchy which build the classpath for all further generation:


From this classpath the sequence diagram is generated, but all methods matching the regular expression "getData" are ignored/removed. This is similar to the JUnit-tests of the PlantUML generator utility:


which is rendered this way:


and produces this PlantUML diagram text:


participant User
participant View
participant Controller
participant Model

activate User
	User -> View : interact
	activate View
		View -> Controller : handleEvent
		activate Controller
			Controller -> Model : manipulate
			activate Model
				Model -> View : notifyView
				activate View
					View --> Model
				deactivate View
				Model --> Controller
			deactivate Model
			Controller --> View
		deactivate Controller
		View --> User
	deactivate View
deactivate User


Without the parameter the diagram would look like this:
