With this configuration parameter you have to specifiy the name of the unique method where the sequence diagram should start the call flow. If the method name is not unique the generation will fail. This parameter is mandatory.
Here is an example of the usage where the call sequence starts in the class de.elnarion.maven.plugin.plantuml.generator.test.domain.ChildA with the configured method name "doSomethingSpecial":
which is rendered this way:

which produces this PlantUML diagram text:
participant ChildA
participant ChildB
participant BaseAbstractClass
activate ChildA
ChildA -> ChildB : getUtil
activate ChildB
ChildB --> ChildA
deactivate ChildB
ChildA -> BaseAbstractClass : doSomethingWithReturnValue
activate BaseAbstractClass
BaseAbstractClass --> ChildA
deactivate BaseAbstractClass
ChildA -> BaseAbstractClass : doSomethingWithParameter
activate BaseAbstractClass
BaseAbstractClass --> ChildA
deactivate BaseAbstractClass
deactivate ChildA