

With the help of this configuration toggle it is possible to remove all calls to a JPA entity from the sequence flow because entities are often only simple POJOs.

Default value

The default value of this toggle is false.


In the following example there are three dependencies in the maven dependency hierarchy which build the classpath for all further generation:


From this classpath the sequence diagram is generated, but all jpa entities are ignored/removed. This is similar to the JUnit-tests of the PlantUML generator utility:


which is rendered this way:


and produces this PlantUML diagram text:


participant MovieService
participant MovieDAO
participant EntityManager
participant EntityTransaction

activate MovieService
	MovieService -> MovieDAO : getMovie
	activate MovieDAO
		MovieDAO -> MovieDAO : getEntityManager
		activate MovieDAO
			MovieDAO --> MovieDAO
		deactivate MovieDAO
		MovieDAO -> EntityManager : find
		activate EntityManager
			EntityManager --> MovieDAO
		deactivate EntityManager
		MovieDAO -> EntityManager : detach
		activate EntityManager
			EntityManager --> MovieDAO
		deactivate EntityManager
		MovieDAO --> MovieService
	deactivate MovieDAO
	MovieService -> MovieDAO : saveMovie
	activate MovieDAO
		MovieDAO -> MovieDAO : getEntityManager
		activate MovieDAO
			MovieDAO --> MovieDAO
		deactivate MovieDAO
		MovieDAO -> EntityManager : getTransaction
		activate EntityManager
			EntityManager --> MovieDAO
		deactivate EntityManager
		MovieDAO -> EntityTransaction : begin
		activate EntityTransaction
			EntityTransaction --> MovieDAO
		deactivate EntityTransaction
		MovieDAO -> EntityManager : persist
		activate EntityManager
			EntityManager --> MovieDAO
		deactivate EntityManager
		MovieDAO -> EntityManager : getTransaction
		activate EntityManager
			EntityManager --> MovieDAO
		deactivate EntityManager
		MovieDAO -> EntityTransaction : commit
		activate EntityTransaction
			EntityTransaction --> MovieDAO
		deactivate EntityTransaction
		MovieDAO --> MovieService
	deactivate MovieDAO
deactivate MovieService


Without the parameter the diagram would look like this:
