Sequence diagram generator mojo

If you want to use the plantuml-generator-maven-plugin for sequence diagram generation, you need to configure this plugin as any normal maven plugin as part of your build and add this plugin specific configuration:

  • required configuration parameters:

    • outputDirectory - the target folder where the diagram file is written; defaults to target/generated-docs

    • outputFilename - the file name of the diagram generated by this plugin; required

    • startClass - the name of the class where the sequence diagram should start the call flow; required

    • startMethod - the unique name of the method where the sequence diagram should start the call flow; required

  • optional configuration options:

    • asciidocDiagramBlockDelimiter - defines the block delimiter of the asciidoc diagram block - default is ----; optional (only used when enableAsciidocWrapper is true);

    • asciidocDiagramImageFormat - the image format (png/svg/latex etc.) - default is png; optional (only used when enableAsciidocWrapper is true);

    • asciidocDiagramName - the name of the diagram in the asciidoc diagram block - default is outputFilename + "." + asciidocDiagramImageType;optional (only used when enableAsciidocWrapper is true);

    • classBlacklistRegexp - With the help of this configuration parameter it is possible to remove classes from the call sequence flow.

    • enableAsciidocWrapper - a boolean which defines if the generated diagram should be wrapped by an asciidoc diagram block - default is false; optional;

    • enableMarkdownWrapper - a boolean which defines if the generated diagram should be wrapped by an markdown diagram block - default is false; optional;

    • hideMethodName - With the help of this configuration parameter it is possible to hide/remove the method names from the sequence diagram.

    • hideSuperClass - With the help of this configuration parameter it is possible to show the method call as part of the child class instead of the super class.

    • ignoreJPAEntities - With the help of this configuration toggle it is possible to remove all calls to a JPA entity from the sequence flow.

    • ignoreStandardClasses - With the help of this configuration parameter it is possible to remove all Java standard classes (java.* package names) from the call sequence.

    • methodBlacklistRegexp - With the help of this configuration parameter it is possible to ignore/remove specific method calls and their subsequent calls from the sequence flow.

    • showReturnTypes - With the help of this configuration parameter it is possible to show the type of the returned objects of a method call.

    • useShortClassNames - With the help of this configuration toggle it is possible to show only the class names in the diagram without the package name (full qualified).