

With the help of this configuration toggle it is possible to show only the class names in the diagram without the package name (full qualified). Because full qualified names increase the size of the diagram enormously the toggle is activated by default.

The parameter itself targets all class names in the diagram, even the return types of the method calls which can be shown by the show return types parameter.

Default value

The default value of this configuration parameter is true.


In the following example there are three dependencies in the maven dependency hierarchy which build the classpath for all further generation:


From this classpath the sequence diagram is generated, but here all types are also shown in a fully qualified manner in the diagram. This is similar to the JUnit-tests of the PlantUML generator utility:


which is rendered this way:


and produces this PlantUML diagram text:


participant de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerA
participant de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB

activate de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerA
	de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerA -> de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB : callSomething
	activate de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB
		de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB -> de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB : privateMethodCall
		activate de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB
			de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB --> de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB
		deactivate de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB
		de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB -> de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB : protectedMethodCall
		activate de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB
			de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB --> de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB
		deactivate de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB
		de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB --> de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerA
	deactivate de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB
	de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerA -> de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB : callSomethingElse
	activate de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB
		de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB --> de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerA
	deactivate de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerB
deactivate de.elnarion.test.sequence.t0001.CallerA


Without the parameter the diagram would look like this:


If used with an activated show return types toggle it looks like this:
